School Uniform

The wearing of full uniform at Eltham East Primary School is compulsory and we offer a number of choices to suit different needs.

The recommended footwear is a black leather school shoe or sensible sports shoe that is predominately black or white to complement the uniform. 

School Council has contracted the uniform shop to Fashion Club Wear and Melissa Fraser is the Manager.

The uniform shop is located on level 2 and accepts payment by cash/cheque/debit card or credit card (MasterCard or Visa).

The uniform shop is open every Monday & Wednesday from 9:00am-11:00am.

The Uniform Shop Price List and Order Form also available from  the Office. 

Eltham East Primary School invites families to order and purchase their new uniforms online also. It is a very easy service to use. 

Eltham East Primary School Online Uniform Shop

School hats are compulsory in line with Sun Smart guidelines from Ist September to 30th April.