Camping Program

The camping program at Eltham East Primary School is thoughtfully sequenced to provide students with enriching experiences that extend beyond the classroom.

It fosters teamwork, resilience, and independence, while creating lasting memories for students. Each year level participates in a unique experience, starting with the Prep Breakfast and culminating in a three-night camp at Woorabinda for Year 6 students.

Prep Breakfast

Held in the Prep classrooms, this event brings all Prep students together to enjoy breakfast. It provides an opportunity for students to order their food, practice table manners, and experience dining in a large group setting.

Year 1 Activity Night

The Year 1 Activity Night is an early evening event at school. Students return for a fun-filled night featuring outdoor games with Kaboom Sports, followed by a BBQ dinner.

Year 2 Activity Day

Expanding on the camping experience, Year 2 students participate in a full day of outdoor adventure activities. These take place on school grounds, at Grove Street Reserve, and in nearby reserves, allowing students to engage in structured exploration and teamwork.

Year 3 Camp – Weekaway Camp

Year 3 students experience their first overnight camp at Weekaway Camp in the Benloch Valley. This one-night adventure includes team-building and outdoor activities such as canoeing and laser tag, fostering independence and cooperation.

Year 4 Camp – Camp Adanac

Year 4 students spend two nights at Camp Adanac in Yarra Junction. The camp offers adventurous activities like low ropes, archery, and the flying fox, as well as team-building experiences such as hut building and camp cooking. Students develop problem-solving skills, resilience, and responsibility in a supportive outdoor setting.

Year 5 Camp – Woorabinda

Year 5 students spend two nights and three days at Woorabinda in Yallourn. This camp encourages resilience and teamwork through a range of educational and adventure activities. Students explore the natural environment, engage in hands-on learning at the onsite farm, and challenge themselves with high ropes and the flying fox. Throughout their experience, students embrace the core values of Woorabinda: Courage, Consideration and Cooperation.

Year 6 Camp – Woorabinda

Year 6 students return to Woorabinda for an extended experience that builds on their Year 5 camp, with a greater focus on leadership, personal responsibility, and teamwork. Held early in the school year, this three-night camp helps students develop essential leadership skills as they prepare for their final year at Eltham East Primary School. Students engage in team challenges, outdoor adventures, and reflective activities that encourage them to step up as role models within the school community.