About EEPS
Eltham East Primary School is situated on Wurundjeri Country in the heart of Eltham, which is located 22km from Melbourne.
To ensure all students have a safe, high quality education a staff of over 50 works interdependently towards achieving the school’s vision. Staffing includes: Principal class, teachers, and Education Support staff working with our students. Our rich curriculum includes differentiated learning in literacy and numeracy.
We are a well-resourced and high demand school. The school is in a quiet, residential suburb with a remnant native bush area, including a purpose-built garden for the endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly. Specialised outdoor teaching areas are a feature and regularly accessed for hands-on learning and provision of real-life experiences for our students.
Mr Warren Lloyd
Mrs Lisa Joseph
Assistant Principal
Wellbeing & Operations -
Mrs Melissa Egan
Assistant Principal
Instructional Practice & Strategy
Staffing includes: Principal, class teachers and Education Support staff working with our students.
Our core purpose is encompassed in our motto ‘Learning and Growing Together’ with a shared mission of a commitment to providing a nurturing, safe and caring environment which supports and inspires our children to value learning and grow in self-awareness and social responsibility.
Our values of being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient underpin the manner in which we conduct our relationships across the community and sit on our foundations of a Safe, Inclusive and Aspirational school.
EEPS acts in compliance with the Child Safe Standards to protect our students from sexual or physical harm. Eltham East Primary School is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. We have zero tolerance for child abuse.
School services include support teachers, education support staff and participation in the visiting primary school nurse program. There is regular access to an educational psychologist and speech therapist who provide significant assistance and advice for high-quality welfare, literacy, language and numeracy support and extension programs.
Community engagement and services include an Out of School Hours Care program, promotion of community groups and instrumental music. Many events and activities (science, sports, and arts) draw on community expertise. We participate in fundamental and advanced physical education activities.
We have developed authentic student leadership opportunities across the school with leadership roles including School Captains, Junior School Council representatives, House Leaders, Sustainability Leaders, Cultural leaders, Visual Arts leaders, Performing Arts leaders, Technology & Science leaders, Library leaders and Peer Support leaders. The School Captains and Leaders are responsible for providing learning reports at each assembly.