
COMPASS – School Management System

At EEPS we use a comprehensive administration package COMPASS.

Building strong home school relationships is central to our school philosophy. COMPASS (with personal login) is for use by the whole school community: teachers, parents, carers and administrators.  

The benefits of Compass are: 

  • Communication for the school community that can be accessed via computers, smart phones and iPads.

  • Attendance and absences. Teachers mark rolls electronically. Parents or teachers approve absences online.

  • Notification of unexplained absences is automated - an SMS message is sent to parents informing them their child is not present.

  • Information and payment facilities are available 24 hours/day from anywhere with internet availability.

  • Excursion and activities management, event information and permission is (mainly) submitted online.

  • Booking for 3 Way Conferences.

  • Student Reports to Parents.