Environment & Sustainability
The EEPS community is passionate about the ‘footprint’ we leave on the planet.
We embed a local and global view for sustainability into our programs to be a sustainable school.
Our culture and values, integrated unit cycle, and student leadership programs emphasise sustainability and care for the environment. Our Year 3 and Year 4 specialist subject, Sustainability and Biodiversity, along with Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) offered from Year 1 to Year 4, provide students with a range of environmental activities, such as establishing and maintaining a kitchen garden.
The vegetable boxes provide fresh produce for the children to experience healthy eating from the garden to the plate.
The school has maintains resources to promote awareness of sustainable principles, including:
School Sanctuary: A natural native flora and fauna area identifying indigenous native species.
Bush Tucker Garden: Planted with native plants so our students can learn about the plants grown by indigenous communities for both food and practical use.
Activities with Edendale Farm: A local resource within walking distance of EEPS for excursions, advice and professional learning for teachers.
Bike Education Program: Offered to Year 4 students.
Butterfly Garden: Working with a grant from Greening Australia our students assisted in the design and planting of a habitat to attract butterflies in particular the Eltham Copper Butterfly.
Legacy Purchase: Each year, the Year 6 graduating class make a ‘legacy’ purchase, for example, a tree for the orchard or a piece of art as a perpetual legacy for the school.
Our buildings and office incorporate sustainability technology and practices:
Solar panels have been installed and are returning power to the grid.
Water tanks provide water for toilets and gardens.
Our Newsletter is published weekly by e-mail.
Notices and communication through COMPASS.
Newspaper and cardboard are collected from classrooms and offices for recycling.
The Kitchen Garden thrives with fresh produce, herbs and companion planting.