Principal’s Welcome

As the Principal of Eltham East Primary School I extend to you a very warm welcome to the pages of our website and hope that your connection to our school is fulfilling.

Eltham East Primary School holds an excellent reputation in the local and wider community due to our school ethos, which places the learning and welfare of our children at the fore.

In a safe, caring and stimulating environment, children are encouraged to strive for their best in learning and behaviour and to develop self-esteem, self-awareness and social responsibility.

With literacy and numeracy being the foundation stones of the curriculum, the school also places a strong emphasis on a range of curriculum programs that provide opportunities for personal growth and understanding. As such, our school prepares our children not only for academic success but also empowers them to respond optimistically to the many and varied challenges and opportunities that life offers.

Dedicated, skilled and professional staff use a range of innovative approaches and proven teaching practices to provide a consistent, orderly and respectful learning environment for each child.

Our school community prides itself on a strong partnership between the school and home. There is a high level of community involvement, and ongoing communication between the school and home is encouraged and valued.

I am extremely proud to lead the passionate and dedicated team at Eltham East and hope that you will enjoy your interactions with us in whatever way connects you to our school.

Warren Lloyd