Parent Volunteers
Opportunities abound at Eltham East Primary School for families to become active partners to enrich programs for the children and to build positive relationships in the school.
Whole school events for social and fundraising goals are organised across the year. Many parents and friends are actively involved with the school. They attend incursions, excursions, camps, swimming and sporting trips. In the classroom they help with:
Early Years Literacy and Numeracy
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
Making teaching aids
Other volunteers organise or assist with special projects such as our Kitchen Garden, Art Show, ELOs and School Concert. Parent helpers also help organise our Monday lunchtime icypole sales, and assist with Wednesday lunch orders.
Parent Helpers and Volunteers
Our School is Child Safe. EEPS acknowledges the Child Safe Standards.
To assist in the protection of our students from sexual or physical harm, a Working with Children Check and attendance at the EEPS Parent Helpers Course are required for all parents and volunteers helping with children including in classrooms, sport, swimming, excursions and camps.
Parents/volunteers are required to sign in at the office collect a Class Helper lanyard and display their WWCC card upon arrival.