School Council
Government schools in Victoria have a school council
The school council is the group of people who assist in governing the school. The council is given the power to set the key directions for the school, and is a legal entity in its own right.
At EEPS our dedicated School Councillors have influenced the quality of learning and facilities that we provide to our students.
Our School Council plays an important role in school accountability and improvement. It endorses key school planning, evaluation and reporting documents.
School Councillors are elected for a two year term. Meetings are scheduled at the start of the school year, usually the third Tuesday of the month. Active sub-committees are Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Community Activities Committee, Education and Outside School Hours Care.
Our School Councillors for 2025:
Warren Lloyd (ex officio)
Katie Cramp (School Council President)
Parent Representatives: Clare Ward, Emily Roberts, Tim Eyles, Dale Whitehead, Scott Stirling, Jane Boyle, Kate Tancredi, Anthony Dann, Veronica Libson
DE Staff: Melissa Egan, Mary Vescio, Kristian Bain